

Why is it worth to invest in GPS systems as far as logistics is concerned?

Anyone who conducts a transportation company values time, honesty and intentions that minimize the costs of transportation. Managing systems of vehicle fleet offer full control over attributes mentioned above. Currently, the modern systems of GPS allow tracking of vehicles on the territory of the whole Europe with the precision to 5 meters. They also allow for controlling the fuel levels, revolutions per minute and many others factors that make vehicle management easy. True novelty is the communicator integrated with a given GPS system that allows for the communication between the driver and the forwarder within the telemetry subscription. One subscription – many possibilities! The costs connected with an implementation of one of the systems we offer are paid back within the period of few months – considering today’s oil prices the fact is undeniable. Theft of fuel, roundabout ways the drivers choose in order to settle the matters that are not necessarily connected with the job, vehicle overload (driving at high revolutions) all is a cause for enormous costs you bare unconsciously during a month period.
Even 15 EUR subscriptions are nothing compared to the misuses mentioned above. Our compny is able to offer you even one EUR subscriptions – It only depends on you how fast you will begin to save money!

Four basic advantages of GPS systems in the view of logistics:

  • Optimizing and planning of the route.
  • Full control over working time of the drivers, fuel levels, use of the engine, and many other factors.
  • Economizing the vehicle exploration.
  • Full security over the transportation vehicles as well as the drivers (twenty-four-hour monitoring of the vehicles and their loads).

Functional description of GPS systems:

The basis of any GPS system is its broadcasting system that is installed inside the vehicle and its register that allows for full data registration. The data is gathered from the sensors that cooperate with the device. Subsequently, the device transforms the information into clear reports and diagrams that will appear on your desk by means of internet browser. Even in case of loss of GSM signal, we offer modern GPS systems that are able to register in their memory all of the parameters and send them once the connection is re-established.

Characteristics of GPS systems, car fleet management:

  • Two-way exchange of information between the driver and a system or dispatcher. Control over the planned realization of reaching the load’s destination.
  • Localization of the vehicles on the digital map (+ geographical position on the territory of Poland and Europe).
  • Definition of the areas permitted for driving – registering information regarding the abandonment of the defined territory, programmed route, stopovers et cetera.
  • Information regarding the fuel consumption, engine revolutions, speed.
  • Evaluation of an approximate time the load may need to reach its destination from the point ‘A’ to point ‘B’.
  • Information about opening of the front door when the engine is started, so called anti-burglary function.
  • Remote blocking of the engine’s activity (from the monitoring centre).
  • Automatic supervision and registration of the users.
  • Reception of alarm signals.
  • Optical and acoustic signalization of crossing permitted area or speed.
  • Operating an optional number of the vehicles.

Access to system

Vehicle management usually takes place through internet platform. Equipment requirements: a computer with an access to the internet; Windows 9X, 2000, NT, XP, Vista, 7; Internet browser “Internet Explorer” or “Mozzila Firefox”. Systems offered by Navsystems are entirely automatic: a proper login and password that enable you to access our system On-Line is all that is needed. Everything is automated in order for our client to enjoy the simplicity and reliability of operating.